You can download and save a document to your computer for future use.
The file formats for downloading are: Word Doc or
Adobe PDF.
Before the Download:
Create a directory or folder on your computer to hold your downloaded
files, or write down the area you will be saving
it to. Example: C:\1-MyStuff\medical\ .
To Download a File:
Click on the link for the document. You'll see a "Save As" prompt.
Be sure to use the "Save As" command n order to
rename the file and choose a location.
Or Right-Click your mouse button and you'll see menu options. Choose "Save link as" or "Save target as" and continue with these instructions.
Write down the file name of the document. You'll need it later when you
want to retrieve it, or open it using a word processing
program, etc.
Choose the directory or folder you previously created to
save downloaded documents in. Find this folder by
using the down arrow in the drop-down box next to the words "Save
in:_" It will show a list of folders and drive letters
(example "A," "C," "D"). The "C"
directory is usually your Computer's
hard-drive. Click on the drive letter where
this created folder exists, click on the folder
icon to open it, and then click "OK" to
Open & Print a Saved File:
You can retrieve the document(s) you downloaded
and saved from the area or folder you created.
Click on the file and your computer should open it
with the corresponding program designed for it.
Or open your word processing program, in the upper
task bar, under "File" Menu, choose
"Open". Find this document by using the down arrow in the drop-down box next to the words
"Look in:_" or "File name: _".
Continue with the "Printing
Instructions" at left.